“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind”



Here you will find modalities that respect your individuality and my approach is to hold you as a

whole person, a totality, not just a symptom that may need treating or fixing. There are many traditional and ancient ways of healing that help to stimulate and support the body's own healing response. Whatever your body, mind, soul, is calling for ancestral vibrational and plant medicine may have something for you.

  • Yoni Steaming

    Yoni steaming is an ancient healing practice of connecting, warming, soothing and nourishing the womb space by simply sitting over a warm pot of healing herbs in an intentional way. Yoni steaming also known as vaginal steaming is a powerful self care practice that offers a space to ground down into the deep wisdom that resides in the pelvis.

    Yoni, translated as womb or source in the Sanskrit language, is a word that encompasses the dynamic spiritual aspects of the womb space and honours much more than the physical anatomy of the uterus, ovaries and ovarian tubes, vagina and vulva.

    This ritual can offer profound healing and can be beneficial to practice:

    postpartum / painful periods / menstrual irregularities / prolapse / fibroids / endometriosis / releasing past lovers / womb trauma

  • Closing the Bones

    Closing the bones is a nourishing and nurturing ceremonial space that can be adapted for different womb and life transitions.

    In several Latin American, Asian and African countries similar ceremonies are practised and it honours the journey and the expansion of pregnancy, the initiation of birth and the tremendous journey the body has been on physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually and into parenthood.

    This ceremony is not only for postpartum healing it honours any life transitions that are seeking to be held and witnessed, but an ending of a relationship, a new job, menopause, an empty nest, and your womb space will also let you know.

    Closing the bones honours the womb, the belly and the pelvis, by using a rebozo, a traditional woven piece of cloth from Mexico and Guatemala, to gently rock the hips and warming oil to massage the belly and the womb this encourages the bones, joints, muscles and ligaments to return back to optimal positioning. This ceremony offers time and space to rest, reflect and heal whilst also honouring what needs to be felt, by gently closing this chapter and as you move onwards into the next.

    These sessions are usually 3 hours and are deeply nourishing, nurturing and healing. What to expect:

    Your womb story with a ceremonial herbal tea or tonic / Abdominal massage / Womb wrapping / Reiki / Blessing

  • Reiki

    Reiki works with the principle that we all have an energy body as well as a physical one. This gentle system works with our life force energy and it is a transfer of healing universal energy through the practitioner and to the client by moving through the main energy centers called chakras releasing any potential blockages, and disturbances that can result in stagnant energy manifesting physically as tension, anxiety, physical pain or illness. Reiki is for everyone and it can result in a client feeling deeply relaxed, lighter, balanced and more energised. These sessions usually last an hour and require you to lie down comfortably fully clothed.

    “When Yolande started reiki, I actually felt my consciousness spin. By the time the ceremony was over, the sadness had passed and I felt a calm acceptance”

  • Homoeopathy

    Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that values the unique expressions of a person's symptoms as a diagnostic tool to healing. It works on the principle of “like treats like” and the appropriately prescribed remedy matches your symptoms which then stimulates the vital force, initiating self healing and supporting your body to find a new way back to health, physically, mentally and emotionally. Homoeopathy is the number one medicine in my household, for me, my family and pets. My profound personal healing experience with homoeopathy changed the course of my life, so much so that I went on to formally train as a practitioner in 2004 at the University of Westminster and with George Vithoulkas in Greece. Homoeopathy is something I offer within my doula package and in stand alone private sessions.

  • Aromatherapy

    My love of essential oils goes way back and there isn’t one bag, purse or random drawer in my house that doesn't have essential oil handy. Essential oils are the volatile, aromatic components of plants, the substance that carries their unique scent and essence. In my experience essential oils possess the power to influence our moods and sense of well-being.

    I am an independent consultant for Neals Yard where I source the majority of my essential oils.

  • Cacao

    Cacao is a plant medicine that I sit with each day in ritual as part of my daily practice. The cacao plant originates from Central and South America and it is chocolate in its purest form that contains serotonin, dopamine, and anandamide. Cacao is a subtle but powerful heart opener that has been respected for thousands of years and is enjoyed best in ceremonies and ritual.

    I source my ceremonial grade cacao from Forever cacao.

Let’s Talk Medicine

Book a Free Consultation

If you would like to explore the potential of any of my medicine offerings then please let me know what modality you are interested in and how I can support you further. 
