Beltane (known as May day) is a festival marking the halfway point between the seasons of spring and summer, and is a true celebration of the power of the earth and the forces of nature. Beltane is the beginning of the most active part of the year, signified by life literally bursting everywhere, the sap is rising, the sky is filled with birdsong, growth and new life is everywhere as we head towards the ever increasing light and warmth towards the summer solstice.
Our time together will begin in a ceremony with cacao, and as we sit with cacao it is a time to feel into what you want or wish to give your energy too? Where will you put your focus? What can you change for the better? Have the seeds you have sown in spring, are they beginning to show signs of life? The plant medicine cacao can help to cultivate a deeper connection within ourselves and in turn to the collective as a whole. This is a time to initiate plans and visions and to make the most of this highly fertile time.
We will celebrate this growing light with an invigorating yoga asana practice feeling into the rising energies, including sound and mudra. There will be space to share and give voice to what your plan to initiate at this time and we will conclude with a little Beltane magic and ritual.